Sunday, 4 January 2015

Girl Behind The Blue Door

When I first created my blog I never really considered it to be a brand and when I was asked to create a name for my blog, I first called it Jegz Jegz Jegz. Once I grew bored of that, I changed it to Jegz Loves Tea, which at the time I thought sounded great! What didn't hit home was that Jegz was a stupid name for a brand. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself, but I really have grown to hate it. 

You see, when I was 19 (god, that was 6 years ago) I thought I was really cool, going to gigs, working my retail job and using the perks of my staff discount, I purchased a pair of jeggings. Now of course, the word jeggings was such a novelty to me, and being the immature teenager I was, I thought it was so great that I couldn't stop saying it (yep, I said 19, not 9). On that very day, I jokingly said I was going to change my name to Jeggins when it was suggested to me that I should use that as my Facebook name. Needless to say, I went home, added Jeggins as my middle name on Facebook. Ha bloody ha. People then proceeded to call me Jeggins, then it was shortened to Jegz and for years, it was what I was known as. As a matter of fact, some people actually thought it was my name. It was only up until last year that I made the decision to take the Jeggins out of my middle name. I mean, I'm nearly 25 and a baby was on the way, I couldn't have a nickname on Facebook forever. 

This evening, I was sitting in the living room when suddenly I wanted to be the Girl Behind the Blue Door. I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw a photograph of a blogger, looking fabulous in front of her house, showing off an outfit. Those of you One Tree Hill fans will probably get the reference. Now if only my front door was red... 

You can find me on:

Twitter: @bluedoorgirl
Instagram: @bluedoorgirl 

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