It has been a while since my last weekly update post, our Sundays have been relatively busy, or perhaps they have just seemed busy and we actually haven't done anything. I always feel busy lately even though I haven't done anything, I guess that's what being a mum does to a person. January has mostly consisted of trying to stay healthy (however I'm not doing very well), all grey everything, lots of tea and a teething baby boy. This month I rediscovered my love for reading and it's been pretty great! Pete had been working a lot this week which has meant lots of mummy and George cuddles. I was hoping for a lazy day today but I need to go to the shops to buy baby milk. Exciting right?
Anyway just a quick post as I'm typing this on my brand new iPad that Pete bought for me as an early birthday present. I'm a very lucky girl and needless to say, I absolutely love it!
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