Saturday, 30 May 2015

Stain Removal with Vanish

As a first time mum everything has been new and exciting! Especially weaning, introducing George to new flavours and textures is one of my favourite experiences. People will always offer you advice when you have a baby and there are warnings after warnings about what to expect, but nobody ever told me about the stains that come with weaning! I learnt the hard way, baby food is one of the most stubborn substances to remove.

I have tried bleach, various stain removal products, hot washes, you name it. Seriously, invest in some cover all and plastic bibs, you will not look back! While George is teething he has a habit of wiping his mouth on his sleeves which drives me mad. The sooner he is old enough to realise clothes cost money, the better.

George and I were kindly sent some Vanish products to review and never did I think I would be so excited to open a package containing cleaning products, that's definitely a sign you're getting old. With the boys out for the day, I took the opportunity to put the products to good use.

First up we have Vanish Gold Powergel:

Powergel is a pre treatment product, where the instructions state to squeeze onto stains and rub in circles, work in for 1-5 minutes then wash as normal. Following these instructions I was feeling pretty optimistic. 

As you can see in the after picture, the more hard wearing stains have not been removed after using this product. I even put a scoop of the Oxi Action Powder in the washing machine and still have stains. I was slightly disappointed by this product, however these stains were dried on which I know makes them tougher to remove. I will try again when the stains are still fresh to see if this makes a difference.

Vanish Gold Oxi Action

Vanish Gold Oxi Action is a powder fabric stain remover, I didn't get my hopes with this one because I've tried powder stain removers in the past and not had much success. Anyway, following the instructions, I added one scoop of powder to 4 litres of water and set my clothes to soak for an hour before popping them in the washing machine. 

As you can see from the after picture, this t-shirt came up good as new. The boys arrived home from their day out and Pete told me George had done yet another poo explosion, so his clothes are now set to soak with some more of this bad boy. I would definitely purchase this!

vanish powershot carpet stain remover

Last but not least is the Powershot carpet cleaner. You will have to excuse this photo as our carpet is really dark, however I can assure you, there was an orange sick stain here which has come up trumps after using this carpet cleaner. It is a clear spray, which sinks into the carpet really easily, then you just scrub with a clean cloth. Much better than a foam spray in my opinion. The only thing I didn't like about this product was how badly it smelt, the fumes were really strong so I would recommend using with your windows open and when your children are out. 

Have you got any tips for stain removal?

Rachael xo

*Disclaimer, these products were sent for review purposes. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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