Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Tips for New Mums

Can you tell I didn't have access to straighteners in hospital?

Becoming a mum for the first time can be an exciting and daunting experience. Your pregnancy days fill you with worry from that very moment you take that pregnancy test and gives you that positive result you have been hoping to see. Those first, crucial 12 weeks being the upmost worse whilst you wait for your first scan to tell you your little speck is okay and wiggling about in there. The worry doesn't even stop when you have your baby in your arms, you lean over your baby's crib to check they're still breathing, if they're warm enough etc. You have to learn to adapt to a new sleeping pattern, discover what each of your child's cries means, maintain your house for when guests come round to prove you are coping. It can all get a bit much, especially if you have little or no baby experience. 

Being the eldest of twelve grandchildren on my mum's side of the family means I have always grown up around babies. At the age of 15, my parents had two little surprises in the form of twin boys, meaning I had the opportunity to practice changing nappies and all the fun of cuddling little ones with the pleasure of giving them back when they cried! 

Aren't they fab? (Even if this was taken 3 years ago so they look dead young!)
When people asked me if I was nervous about becoming a mum, my answer was always no. I realised I was very lucky in the fact I had a very big family with a lot of younger siblings and cousins to give me that bit of experience before I became a mum to my own little bundle of joy. Now I'm not saying I'm a baby expert, far from it! I Google like the best of us and always refer to my family for some advice, but I want to share my experience and tips for all your new mums out there.

This is one thing that is hammered into expectant mothers everywhere, yes, breast is best, but if you cannot do it, do no worry. Hospitals are unable to tell you if it is realistic or not for you to breastfeed because they have to promote it. George was a 9lb 14oz baby, with a slight tongue tie and he couldn't latch on. After trying it a few times, I decided it would be best to put him on the bottle. You have to do what is best for you and your baby. 

Whilst getting advice from other people is important and can be beneficial, nobody should EVER tell a new mum what to do. You will soon find your own routine and only you know your baby better than anyone. There is too much pressure on mothers on how to raise their child, nod along to those people and do what you want to do. 

I have a lot of family so we had visitors almost every day when George was born, which didn't bother me at all, even though I was pretty exhausted. I enjoyed the company and the fact people wanted to come and see this little human that I had created, I wanted to show him off because I was proud. Not everyone is that way inclined, some parents just want time to themselves with their newborn and that is okay. If you want time alone, people will understand! 

Okay, this one comes very naturally to me because I hate tidying up, but your house is in no rush for a polish or a vac! Take your time to recover, leave the washing for another day, spend a day on the couch cuddling your baby. It takes a while to adapt to the sleepless nights whilst dealing with the demands of a newborn, so when your baby sleeps, don't feel pressured to tidy up. Have a sleep yourself.

Babies pick up on the atmosphere around them, so remember, if you feel stressed your baby will also be stressed. Go through these steps: is he hungry? is he tired? does he have wind? does he need his nappy changing? These will eliminate most of your baby's needs. If your baby is still crying they may suffer from colic and I highly recommend Infacol. You just give it to your baby before each feed and it helps them bring wind up and reduces the risk of colic. It's great! 

Being a first time mum is a complete learning curve for us all and is the best thing that can happen to a person. It can be stressful at times (especially when it comes to the dreaded teething stage) but it's something to be enjoyed and with these tips, I hope you can reduce some of the new mum stress in your life.

Rachael xo


Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sunday Summary | #011

It has been a while since my last weekly update post, our Sundays have been relatively busy, or perhaps they have just seemed busy and we actually haven't done anything. I always feel busy lately even though I haven't done anything, I guess that's what being a mum does to a person. January has mostly consisted of trying to stay healthy (however I'm not doing very well), all grey everything, lots of tea and a teething baby boy. This month I rediscovered my love for reading and it's been pretty great! Pete had been working a lot this week which has meant lots of mummy and George cuddles. I was hoping for a lazy day today but I need to go to the shops to buy baby milk. Exciting right?

Anyway just a quick post as I'm typing this on my brand new iPad that Pete bought for me as an early birthday present. I'm a very lucky girl and needless to say, I absolutely love it! 


Friday, 23 January 2015

Good Reads

I have always had a love of books, ever since I can remember and I think that stems from the fact my mum used to read to me every night before bed. One of my earliest memories is when I was 4 or 5, I sat on the floor of the reception class room in Cole Street Primary School and read The Gingerbread Man out loud to myself. The whole book. My teacher was so impressed, she sent me to my would be teacher when I reached year 1 with a note to tell her, and I was given a sweet. Isn't memory a funny thing? 

As we grow older it is easy to forget the things we love, life gets in the way of things. I know in the past year or two I haven't read as much as I would have liked to. I think that's because there hasn't been a particular book I have wanted to read and I cannot say I've made the effort to go and find something new. I miss that.

When I was in college, I used to get the bus to an outlet village just to visit the book shop there (I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. It's closed down now and I think it's a Next instead. If you know what it's called, please let me know in the comment below!) The book shop was huge and I would spend hours wandering each aisle, reading the blurb of ten books before I decided on what I wanted to buy. It was then that I bought Twilight and fell in love with the book (I know, the books are actually really good), I must have read it in the space of a week when I went on to buy New Moon.

Another trip to this book shop resulted in me buying City of Bones by Cassandra Clare to which my friend said "another book about werewolves and vampires?!" My emo, teenage self was very much into books about vampires (you can blame Darren Shan for that one!) It was nothing like Twilight at all, I was sucked into a world of Shadow Hunters, warlocks, weapons and demons. If there's one thing I love in a book it's a good series to get stuck into and the Mortal Instrument is fabulous. In June last year, I went to meet an author and ended up buying four different books, I read the Zom-B books by Darren Shan, but neglected my Mortal Instruments series.

Last week, in one of my temper tantrums (seriously, Disney basically stole my personality and look and called her Merida), I went upstairs to our bedroom and decided to read. Nineteen days into 2015 and I am onto my second book already (okay the Darren Shan books aren't that long). Each night before I go to bed, I've been spending between thirty minutes and an hour just reading. It is by far the best way to wind down after a busy day of mum duties and I remembered just how much I love reading. I am all for me time and once George goes to bed for the night, it's just all about getting lost in a good story. 

I am also hoping that reading more books and indulging in one of my favourite past times it's going to improve my writing skills, another love of mine which has definitely been neglected (you can probably tell by reading previous blog posts that I can be a lazy writer).

If you have any recommendations for a good book, let me know in the comments below!

Rachael xo


Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tag | Me Time

I was tagged by the lovely Danielle over at Underland to Wonderland to participate in the Me Time Tag. I was really glad went I received her tweet last night to let me know I'd been tagged as I haven't been in the mood to blog this week so it was just what I needed! Thanks Danielle. Having a baby means "me time" is limited (I wouldn't have it any other way) so I will answer these questions the best I can!

1. What do you watch or read during me-time?
I can binge watch programmes on Netflix all day, but chick flicks are my ultimate go to for me time. Pete won't watch them with me (even though he owns the Bring It On DVD), so when he isn't home and I am baby free, I will definitely watch a decent girlie film. Who doesn't love Mean Girls? I read whatever series I'm into at that time, at the moment I'm reading City of Heavenly Angels by Cassandra Clare.

2. What do you wear during me-time?
PJs. Always. My friend once called me the Queen of Pyjamas. I don't tend to get dressed if I'm not going out which is why there is an absence of outfit posts of my blog, despite me wanting to post more OOTDs!

3. What are your me-time beauty products?
I don't really have any me-time beauty products. I will sometimes put on a Montagne Jeunesse face mask and whatever hair mask takes my fancy at the time whilst I'm in the bath. I mostly pamper my hands though, I'll file my nails, treat them with some OPI Avoplex and Nail Envy, then paint them with whatever Barry M nail varnish takes my fancy.

4. Current favorite nail polish?
At the moment I am loving Cardomom and Chai by Barry M. They're both really cool toned colours which make the perfect nail colour for January.

5. What do you eat or drink during me-time?
Nothing beats a good cuppa tea and chocolate, although I'm trying to cut down on the amount of chocolate I eat!

6. Current favorite candle?
My family went to America in September and brought me back an apple scented Jolly Rancher candle and it smells amazing. I will be so sad when it eventually burns down.

7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
I'm not an outdoor person at all and if I ever go outside, it's normally to meet friends or family and obviously, I always have George with me so I'm never really on my own. I do want to start making use of the outdoor gym equipment in our local park though.

8. Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I always say I wouldn't and it makes me sad when I see people on their own in the cinema, but it is really silly because you don't go to be social, you go to watch the film. I think it's just nice having company though.

9. Favorite online shop?
ASOS is my favourite shop in general. I am a premier member, so I get next day delivery and it's great, especially for when I need an emergency outfit for the next night.

10. Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
I like to blog during me time, even though I'm not a regular blogger, I guess I write when I feel inspired. Pete is good because he lets me go upstairs and write where it's quiet. Sometimes I like to play with makeup although I'm not very good with it, but it takes practice.

And I tag:

Monday, 19 January 2015

Blue Monday

Blue Monday is traditionally the name given to the last week in January, "the most depressing day of the year." Today marks the day that George started teething therefore little sleep was had last night after a 2am wakeup call resulting in me sleeping at the other end of our bed.  I have mostly been running on empty today, I had my first cup of tea in the bath at 7pm! I know right. I have had one grizzly little boy, but with lots of cuddles, playtime and some medicine, he's still given us lots of smiles.

Chewing mummy's hands makes me feel better
When Pete got home, I jumped at the chance to run myself a bath and up I went with a cuppa tea in my hand. Is there anything a good cup of tea and a long soak in the bath can't fix?  I'm guessing the only reason for this post is that I am really feeling Blue Monday and even more so an early night. I've lost my blogging mojo after having so many ideas for posts. I guess that's what lack of sleep and a poorly baby does to you. 

Rachael xo


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Haul | Primark Edition

I mentioned previously that Primark have been on top form this year so far, so on my last few visits I have not left empty handed.  I saw a top and some shoes on their Instagram account and knew I had to have them. I've learnt my lesson with Primark, if you want something you have to get it as soon as you see it or you'll be disappointed. So with that in mind, I went over to Liverpool with my nan on Friday and managed to pick up the things that I wanted and more (unfortunately, I forgot to photograph the other two tops I bought, but they'll definitely be appearing in some outfit posts). 

First things first, I saw these shoes and immediately I wanted them. flatform pumps. How cute are these for Spring? I'm not a fan of flat shoes, but have wanted some slip ons for ages, so these were a perfect match for me. I have a thing for ugly shoes.

I am very much a hat person and after seeing a recent haul post by Amy Valentine where she had purchased a grey fedora, I went in search for one myself. Unfortunately they never had the grey one in store, but I got this gorgeous black one instead. After all, it's my signature colour. 

Say goodbye to florals this Spring because colour blocking is taking over and what better way to embrace it than with these gorgeous blazers? There is so many different colours to choose from, but I went for this cool grey colour and amazing green. I am so tempted to purchase more already (I know, I'm so bad) and cannot wait to rock them when I finally go back to work in May.

After staring at these culottes every time I stepped inside Primark, I finally plucked up the courage to purchase them. It was quite brave of me to go for something to far out of my comfort zone but I'm ready to embrace them and I am really looking forward to styling them.

I picked up this gorgeous red, scalloped top to go with the culottes, how nautical (I even have a pair of blue peep toe flatforms on the way to go with it). This top is going to be so easy to dress up or down and I absolutely love the scalloped hem. This is going to be the most versatile item of clothing in my wardrobe from now on. 

Onto my bargain coat next! Would you believe this beauty was only £10 in the sale?! I saw it last Friday and put it back, then when I got home I regretted my decision instantly. Whilst I was on the train on Monday, I told myself if it was still there, I would buy it. Upon entering the shop, I went straight to the coats, there were two left, a girl had hold of one, the other one was a 14. I was sad. The girl put hers back. I picked it up. It was my size. Hallelu! You could say it was fate. 

Finally, some more practical additions to my wardrobe. With the adult decision to start getting fit this year (mainly so I can fit into my outfit for George's Christening) I thought I should buy some actual gym clothes. Primark have some absolutely gorgeous things, girls were practically fighting over the clothes (no, I'm kidding). I got these fabulous little grey and teal items and they are actually making me excited to work out. Who knew?

So that's how I've spent my Christmas money this year anyway.

What do you think of my haul?

Rachael xo


Monday, 12 January 2015

Fashion | Primark Top Picks

Primark have been spot on lately and I've practically been living in their clothes. My local Primark isn't very big, so today I popped over to Liverpool to pick up some things I saw on their Instagram. In addition to all the knitwear I bought before Christmas, the chunky slip ons have been added to my wardrobe (I'm a sucker for ugly shoes) and I can't wait to style them with some tights and shorts come Spring. 

Owl have been a recurring theme within my house since I picked up some adorable own cushions (also from Primark) and I absolutely love this candle, it's amazing. The chunky shoes are fabulous, so classy and I don't own a classy shoes so I think another purchase may be on the cards. I'm really into knitwear at the moment, I'm all for being warm and snug so this little cardi may sneak it's way into my wardrobe shortly too. 

What do you think of my picks?

Rachael xo


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Health | Body Shaming

Katie Hopkins has shocked the nation once again (actually, does she really shock anyone anymore?) with her most recent statement that "anybody above a UK size 10 is fat." Okay, we know she's outrageous, we know she will do absolutely anything to stay in the limelight and we shouldn't give her the attention she so craves, but she struck a nerve and it really got me thinking. 

Body shaming has become a real issue! Why are we so obsessed with other people's appearance? It really is such a disappointment that girls are hating on each other so much and it is something we need to improve on (myself included, I'm not an angel). What ever happened to girl power? Meghan Trainor's All About The Bass (catchy as it is) may sound like she's embracing her curves, as she should, when in actual fact she is skinny shaming (go ahead and tell them skinny bitches). Yes you're curvy, yes that's okay, you have every right to be confident in yourself, but you shouldn't need to put slim people down in order to make yourself feel better. 

I used to be a UK size 6 before I met Pete and I loved food, I was just blessed with a naturally fast metabolism. I always used to see posts like these:


and to tell the truth, it pissed me off. I always believed it was written by an unhappy fat person trying to make themselves feel better, but why should it be at someone else's expense? I did hate my boyish figure and I longed to put weight on, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. So you can see why these quotes got to me so much.

 It wasn't until I hit 21 that my body slowed down and I couldn't eat like I used to. I was against buying size 10 and even 12 clothes at first, because I couldn't accept that I was now that size and I realise now how ridiculous I was. I'm now a health size 10/12 and although I do want to drop a few pounds, I now look much better than I used to. 

You see when you post these stupid quotes, you are making people feel bad, whether you realise it or not. Embrace your body, no matter what size you are. It's 2015 and we need to be more accepting of one another. Body shaming needs to stop! 

Rachael xo


Saturday, 10 January 2015

Life Lately | What I've Been Up To

It feels like I blinked and missed the whole month of December, from our annual trip to the Trafford Centre, to last minute Christmas shopping, wrapping presents and visits from family. I was never happier than when Christmas Day came around, I could open my presents, go to my mum's for lunch and just relax! New Year rolled around just as fast, George had his final set of needles until he's 12 months (is there a worse experience?) This meant my Life Lately post has come extremely late this time around, but I really wanted to share what life has dealt me over these past few weeks.

Nine days into 2015 and I've already made quite a few changes in my life. For a while now, I've felt like have been stuck in a rut, from the clothes I wear, to my makeup and hair. Instead of moping about it, like I have done, I made the decision to change that. I bought a wig (seriously, best thing I've ever bought - I love my pink hair and the fact my own hair has been left undamaged), and after eight years of having my lip pierced, I took it out and changed it up with a brand new septum piercing. For the first time in forever breaks out into Frozen songs I am quite happy with my face! 

Another thing I want to change is my weight, I mentioned in my Goals for 2015 post (read me) that I was going to make the effort to eat more healthily. I've eaten fast food twice this week, something I am not proud of and I know it is not the way to go to tone up and slim down. Before I met Pete, I was very slim, I could eat what I wanted and didn't need to exercise, however, in February, I'm going to be 25 and I need to treat my body with a hell of a lot more respect. In light of this, I've made the very grown up decision to join Buggy Fitness, a way to get fit and no babysitter is required. Score! The idea of exercising in public terrifies me, but if I do not join up, I know I will not exercise at home on my own. Although I did go on a 4 mile walk with George this week, I know, get me. 

I also gave my little blog a little makeover and she's all grown up now. I'm pretty impressed with the changes I've made and I am hoping to expand my little space on the internet with my new brand. Fingers crossed! 

This month I've been loving:

Album: 1989 - Taylor Swift
TV: Celebrity Big Brother (don't judge)
Nails: Ciate - Fade to Greige
Makeup: Makeup Revolution - Flawless Palette

How had 2015 treated you so far?

Rachael xo


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Ways to Make 2015 Count

As mentioned in one of my earlier posts (read me), 2014 really was the year it all came together. From getting pregnant, to buying a house and landing myself that permanent job I had been hunting for. Like I mentioned in that post 2013 was rough and I did struggle to stay positive, when bad things strike one after the other, how can you possible stay happy and focus on the good things? People would always tell me "things will only get better" and "2014 will be your year" to the point where I was so sick of hearing and of course I refused to believe it. They were right, things did get better and here's a little pick me up for those of you who had a really rough 2014. Here are my tips to ensure you have the best year:

Don't Compare Yourself to Others
With social media playing a massive role in our lives, it is so hard to not compare yourself to someone else! This is especially hard when you see someone having a really good day when you're having a really shitty one. We forget that others only share their good bits and their amazing selfies. How many selfies do you take before posting the best one? I wouldn't dream of posting a photo of my messy living room or a picture of me in my pjs (frequent occurrences). Which brings me to my next point. 

Take a Break from Social Media
With so many different ways to share snippets of our life, it is so easy to get caught up in our friends, family, bloggers and even celebrities' lives. You should focus on yourself rather than what other people are doing. Put your phone down or your laptop away, read a book, tidy your house, dance around in your underwear. 

Pamper Yourself
This is the best thing you can possibly do. 2013 was crap for me, so much to the point where I didn't even want to take care of myself. Don't neglect your body. Have a bath, put a face mask on, paint your nails and preen, preen, preen. Treat yourself to that dress you've been eying up. You really will feel better for it!

Don't Let Rejection Define You
If you are in the process of looking for a job, do not get disheartened by the rejection letters or lack of. With the economy in the state that it is at the moment, there could be hundreds of applicants for that same job you applied for. For example, 600 people once applied for a job and only 12 people were selected for interview. The only reason I got an interview because I did some temporary work there through an agency. If you have an unsuccessful interview, ask for feedback so you can improve. Look at it this way, if you don't get this job, it's probably for a reason and is setting you up for something better. 

Get Out the House
If moving away from my friends and family (okay it was only 10 miles, but it still counts) taught me anything, it was to not sit in the house wallowing. I probably spend the majority of my time moping around the house while Pete encouraged me to do things. At the time I'd wave them off, but looking back it's one of my biggest regrets. Your mind can run away with you when you're home alone so do something to take your mind off what is troubling you. I know since I've moved closer to friends and family again, I spend a lot more time with them and out of the house. It stops me from going insane while I'm on maternity leave! 

Here's to 2015. Make it a good one!

Rachael xo


Monday, 5 January 2015

Wardrobe Essentials | Black Ankle Boots

At the weekend, I spent a quick thirty minutes sorting through my wardrobe, binning anything that no longer fits and things I never wear. As a matter of fact, it's long over due a proper sort through and I definitely need to be more ruthless with what I get rid of.  I sorted each item into shelves, knitwear altogether, skirts altogether etc, when it got me to thinking, how can one person possible need all these clothes?  It then, inspiration hit and I thought I'd put together a list of wardrobe essentials, key pieces I believe every woman should possess.

If there's one item of foot footwear a girl should own, it's a pair of black ankle boots. From a skater dress, to a pair of jeans, there's not much these babies won't go with. I picked these up from Primark earlier in the year for £15 and they have barely been off my feet, you can probably tell they're well loved! I've worn them to gigs, out shopping, out for lunch, I even wore them when I was pregnant. They're just so comfortable and versatile. 

If heels aren't your thing, you can get flat ankle boots which work just as well. A recent to the Trafford Centre resulted in me buying some bargain biker boots from New Look. These are just as comfortable and versatile, I really love them and they might be my new favourite boots, but ssh, don't tell the Primark ones! I love the metal detailing on these boots (alas it has worn away slightly at the back with wear which isn't ideal).

What are your wardrobe essentials?


Sunday, 4 January 2015

Girl Behind The Blue Door

When I first created my blog I never really considered it to be a brand and when I was asked to create a name for my blog, I first called it Jegz Jegz Jegz. Once I grew bored of that, I changed it to Jegz Loves Tea, which at the time I thought sounded great! What didn't hit home was that Jegz was a stupid name for a brand. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be too hard on myself, but I really have grown to hate it. 

You see, when I was 19 (god, that was 6 years ago) I thought I was really cool, going to gigs, working my retail job and using the perks of my staff discount, I purchased a pair of jeggings. Now of course, the word jeggings was such a novelty to me, and being the immature teenager I was, I thought it was so great that I couldn't stop saying it (yep, I said 19, not 9). On that very day, I jokingly said I was going to change my name to Jeggins when it was suggested to me that I should use that as my Facebook name. Needless to say, I went home, added Jeggins as my middle name on Facebook. Ha bloody ha. People then proceeded to call me Jeggins, then it was shortened to Jegz and for years, it was what I was known as. As a matter of fact, some people actually thought it was my name. It was only up until last year that I made the decision to take the Jeggins out of my middle name. I mean, I'm nearly 25 and a baby was on the way, I couldn't have a nickname on Facebook forever. 

This evening, I was sitting in the living room when suddenly I wanted to be the Girl Behind the Blue Door. I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw a photograph of a blogger, looking fabulous in front of her house, showing off an outfit. Those of you One Tree Hill fans will probably get the reference. Now if only my front door was red... 

You can find me on:

Twitter: @bluedoorgirl
Instagram: @bluedoorgirl 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Personal | New Year, New.. Whatever

*this post was not sponsored

After months of looking at gorgeous bloggers and their gorgeous pastel hair and longing for my own, I decided it was about time I got my own. I mentioned previously about ditching my natural ginger hair (read me), after deciding I was nowhere near brave enough to bleach my own hair, I only went and bought myself a wig.

After recommendation from a friend I went for a browse on Geisha Wigs, their range of wigs is absolutely amazing. I scrolled through pages and pages of beautiful wigs and kept coming back to the same pink one, so I took the plunge and added Dusky Pink to my basket. I placed my order on Boxing Day and I was wearing it NYE! (I'm unsure on how quickly it arrived because I had it send to my mum's house).  I'm no expert on wigs, but it's so thick and swooshy, it even come with adjustable straps inside so if it's too big, you can tighten it. Fancy, I know.

It too much deliberation on whether I would actually be brave enough to wear it outside the house, but yesterday, I did it. I went to my local town centre to get a few boots and wore my wig with pride. I didn't get as many dodgy looks as I thought I would, so I'm classing that as a win! I've even purchased my second wig from them! I'm excited to see what I'll look like with dark hair and a full fringe.

Whilst I was in town I got my septum pierced. Wow, it hurt so much! I've wanted it done for a while but I've never been brave enough because I just knew how painful it would be. It will be worth it when it's healed though. My family think I'm going through a mid twenties crisis with my wig and piercing! I was just bored of the way I looked and fancied a change, so here it is!

What do you think of my wig? Would you ever wear one?


Friday, 2 January 2015

Family | George at 4 Months

Image Credit goes to Emily Grundy Photography 
Image Credit goes to Emily Grundy Photography
So the little man is four months already (okay he will be on the 10th January), I honestly don't know where the time has gone! In the short time we've had him, we've celebrated his first Halloween, first Bonfire Night, first Christmas and first New Year. Seems a lot in such a short space of time doesn't it? 

Allow me to introduce you all formally to George:

Name: George
Age: 4 months
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Unknown, sometimes he's ginger, sometimes blonde, sometimes dark
Favourite Drink: Milk
Favourite Past Time: Splashing about in the bath
Favourite Toy: Jumperoo - the lights and music are great

We're currently in the process of organising George's Christening, we have been to meetings at church  to organise the date and once that was scheduled, we booked a venue! It's quite exciting really to have a little day to celebrate him and he definitely deserves it even though he doesn't really know what's going on!

He's been sleeping through the night since he was about 8 weeks old, so we've been really lucky (sorry to all you new parents who aren't as blessed - the sleepless nights are hard!) He can chuckle now too which is the most adorable thing ever and he constantly babbles away to himself and others, he's coming along really nicely. Peter and I appreciate him more every day because he's constantly developing. He's a pretty amazing little boy, I just want to squidge him all the time! I often stare at him when he's asleep thinking about how perfect his little button nose is, how gorgeous his long eyelashes are and how juicy his little lips are. It's such a natural thing, having babies, we were born to recreate, but it still amazes me that we created this little tiny human being. People do it every day, but it doesn't mean it's still not a beautiful little miracle. I know a love for a child is unconditional but without sounding too gushy, I just adore everything about him, I feel like I'm about to burst with the amount of love I have for my little boy.

I promise you, when you have a baby, you will feel exactly the same way and you'll want to gush all the time and the inevitable "baby bore" personality will kick in straight away no matter how much you vow not to become one!

Rachael xo