So you've probably seen the #100happydays tag floating round your social networking sites. The idea behind 100 Happy Days is to encourage people to find something to be happy about each day, pretty simple right? I think it's pretty sad that 71% of people failed to complete this challenge due to lack of time. Why should we not have time to be happy?
I had a pretty rough 2013, but 2014 is starting to look up which is great, and how better to document it than a tag like this? Even when days are rough, it's good motivation to think, what made me happy today for my tag?
1. Submit a picture of something that made you happy that day
2. Remember, this tag is for YOU - not anybody else
3. Register here
4. Decide your platform for sharing photos, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
5. Decide your privacy - create your own hashtag or simply tag #100happydays
This tag has been designed to remind people to be happy - we all deserve some happiness! I know I've been in a much better mood since starting it. It's also great to see what makes other people happy!
Have you signed up to the #100happydays?
Link me below so I can see what makes you happy
Rachael xo
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