Sunday, 13 April 2014

Sunday Snapshots | Week #004

Back to 9-5 life | Dominos | Splash of colour for Spring | Goodies from superdrug

Fell over and cut my hand :( | New Barry M nail varnish | My little brothers turned 9 | My dad's cupcakes

Alcohol free drinks at The Brink, Liverpool | Brink Panther cocktail | Presents for Baby Walker | Wild Saturday night in

I'm such a naughty blogger as this is my first post since last week's Sunday Snapshots! In my defence, I've just started my new job, yep, after temping for over a year, I finally have a permanent job. Getting into the routine of working 9-5.30 again is hard going, so I've mostly been relaxing all week.

Pete and I picked up the keys to our new house this week, so we are officially home owners! It's all very exciting, despite how much work we want doing to the house, and how stressful moving can be, I'm really looking forward to it. 

I took a nasty fall on Wednesday this week and cut my hand :( boo! Sorry if any of you are squeamish! 

My friend from Ireland was over in Liverpool yesterday, so we went for some food at Almost Famous (best ever place), alcohol free cocktails at a gorgeous little place called The Brink which is a dry bar, and she bought Baby Walker the most adorable present from the Disney Store - thanks Steph. 

Today, I've spent the day watching films and napping on the bean bag today as I'm exhausted from the week I've had! 

How are you spending your Sunday?


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