Monday, 27 April 2015

Mummy Guilt

The time has come for me to say goodbye to my life as a stay at home mum and embrace the life of 9-5. Leaving my boy all week is going to be so hard, I miss him enough when I don't see him over night! I hate the fact I have to go back to work full time and I feel this incredible sense of guilt. Guilt that I have to leave him with family 40 hours a week. Guilt that he does not understand where or why his mummy has been gone for so long. 

I think as mums we all feel like this at some point and I know it will pass once we have settled into our own little routine. He will some day learn that me going back to work when he was a baby was to make a nice life for us and that alone makes everything worthwhile. Deep down I know I am doing right by him but it still doesn't stop this feeling and if I had it my way, I'd stay with him all day every day! 

Today when I got home from work and my nan dropped him off his little face lit up and I got the biggest smile from him along with lots of sloppy kisses (did I tell you he does that now? It's all kinds of adorable) and it was the best thing to come home to after a somewhat average day in the office. Our time together is precious and the past eight months has flown by without me even knowing it.

Love you George x

Rachael xo


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