Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Personal | Goals for 2015

New Year is fast approaching. "New Year, new me" is something we will hear all too often. We all make resolutions we are never going to keep as that's the done thing. I'm not one for resolutions, but last year I set myself a few goals (read me). I told myself I'd look back on these goals to see what I had achieved. Here goes:

Find a Permanent Job
In April this year, I finally found a permanent job, albeit only being there three months before I went on maternity leave. I'm looking forward to going back and feeling part of a team again.

Read More
I managed to get back in to reading this year, although, understandably, since George has arrived it has taken another standstill.

Make Wedding Plans
Peter and I have decided on a rough date and I have my wedding dress ! Now we just need to find a venue we like. Best get a move on really.

Be More Healthy
I got pregnant which meant this went straight out the window, I binge on McDonalds more times than I care to say.

Looking back on the goals I set myself, I think I was pretty successful. 3 out of 4 isn't at all bad and I've pleasantly surprised myself. This year, my goals are:

Improve My Photography Skills
Pete's always telling me I'm rubbish at taking photos (he's right) and I want to make the effort to improve my skills (or lack thereof) especially now we have George and for the purpose of my blog. 

Cut Out The Three C's (Chocolate, Cakes & Crisps)
I know, another healthy eating goal but this time I mean it, I need to fit into my outfit for my little man's Christening. I've not been happy with my weight for a while but I've not made an effort to change that. Bye wobbly belly and double chin.

Stay Organised
Becoming a mum has definitely made me more organised and I'm a lot more blog organised recently too. I want to improve on that and keep on top of it. It's very easy to neglect my blog and that's something I don't want to do, I want it to continue to grow.

Spend Less Time on my Phone
I probably spend most of the day on my phone, I'm a self confessed social media addict and there's absolutely no need for how much of my attention it gets. I'm too easily distracted by it when watching a film or I'm out to lunch.

Same time next year!
What are your goals/ resolutions for 2015?

Rachael xo


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