Monday, 28 March 2016

The 90s Tag

Born in 1990, I was only young at this time but some of my favourite childhood memories are from this time. It's been a while since I did a tag post and when I saw Danielle over at Underland to Wonderland do this one I thought it'd be fun to do! 

1. Favourite Disney Film?
Mulan is  my favourite  Disney film. I remember going to see this in the cinema for my 8th birthday. I'll Make A Man Out Of You is still one of mine and my mum's favourite Disney songs today.

2. Favourite Music Artist?
I loved the Spice Girls, who didn't? I even went to see a tribute act when I was visiting family in the Isle of Man. My cousin and I met then and had a polaroid taken. I thought it was amazing.

3. Favourite Sweets?
I used to love those ABC sweets you got. Remember them? They were hard. I really don't know any other way of describing them. 

4. Favourite Game? (Board game / school game)
Cluedo was amazing, I played it so much that I got really good at it. I loved playing detective. Payday was another favourite. I used to have Disney Trivial Pursuit as well and the board was amazing. I wish I still had it.

5. Favourite McDonalds 'Happy Meal' Toy?
I can't say I really remember any of the Happy Meal toys. 

6. Favourite Book?
When I was a kid, I loved Enid Blyton books. The Faraway Tree stories were up there with my favourites, but I also read Mysteries over and over by her as well. 

7. Favourite Clothing Store?
I don't think I had one but I used to think all of the clothes in Tammy were really cool. Especially when I had leather pants and thought I looked like Rachel from Friends.

8. Favourite TV Show?
90s TV was amazing. I loved Kenan and Kel, Sabrina, Art Attack, Zzzap, Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Are You Afraid of the Dark, I could go on. I think we all loved these shows, am I right?

9. What Show Would You Watch After School?
All of the above! I was a CITV/ Nickelodeon kid.

10. What Was Your Favourite 90s Game Show?
Probably Wheel of Fortune or Catchphrase. I also loved Jungle Run but I think that might have been late 90s / early 00s

11. Did You Own A Virtual Pet? (Cyberpet, Tamagotchi etc)
I had a Tamagotchi and a really creepy, green Furby which ran out of batteries and it's half closed eyes used to freak me out.

12. Favourite Video Game and System To Play On?
Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Megadrive was amazing. I used to know the cheats to get on any level and defeating Dr Robotnik at the end of each level was triumphant. 

13. Weirdest Fashion Trend?
Do you remember the trousers with the built in skirt over the to? I used to LOVE these things paired with Spice Girl boots! 
14. Favourite Toy?
I loved Barbie. I had this pink Barbie camper van which I thought was the absolute best thing in the world. She had some amazing accessories. 

15. Favourite Nickelodeon Show?
It was definitely Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Even now I wish I could just point with my finger and magic things would happen. 

A little flashback to the 90s was really fun! I'm too lazy to tag people so if you do this tag, post a link in the comments so I can see your favourites from way back when.

Rachael xo


Tuesday, 22 March 2016

A-Z of Being a Mummy

A is for Anything
As in you will do anything to keep your child happy/ entertained, such as silly dances, funny faces, bribes and hours of Peppa Pig.

B is for Baby
I guess this one is super obvious, but what is better than carrying your baby for nine months, to then be able to greet them and hold them in your arms?

C is for Cuddles
Baby cuddles really are the one! I'm lucky enough that George is and always has been a cuddly babe and I soak these moments up as much as I can.

D is for Dummies
Dummies really are a godsend. I had planned on breastfeeding George so didn't plan on using a dummy but he was a baby that needed one and that's okay. It's comforting. You will lose many a dummy along the way though and they are not cheap!

E is for Exhausting
It goes out with saying that being a parent is exhausting, even when your baby sleeps through the night, it is still a none stop job. It only gets worse when they become mobile and you're continuously chasing them round.

F is for Fathers
Dads are important too! I guess this is one we mums can forget sometimes but Pete is a fab dad and we make a great team (most of the time anyway!)

G is for Grandparents
Like dads, grandparents are amazing aren't they? I don't know what I'd have done without my mum and dad when George was first born.

H is for Health Visitors
I'd heard many a horror story about health visitors during my pregnancy, but luckily, the ones I saw were really nice and we didn't have much to do with them. Don't believe everything you hear.

I is for Immunisations
There is absolutely nothing worse than seeing your baby be stabbed by a needle is truly heartbreaking, but rather that than them contract any nasty disease.

J is for Jumperoo
This was one of my favourite toys when George was younger and highly recommended! We had so much fun with this and George absolutely adored it.

K is for Kisses
And lots of them too! I'm sure George must be fed up of how much he gets kissed but I just can't help myself, he's too adorable.

L is for Learning
Watching your baby learn new things is one of the most precious things ever. Becoming a parent is a learning curve as well.

M is for Mummy
Of course this was going to be M. A title that will stay with you for the rest of your life, with great power comes great responsibility.

N is for Nappies
Whether you choose disposable or cloth nappies, you will change endless dirty bottoms. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it (this is normally when I shout Pete to change the smelly ones).

O is for 'Oh Shoot'
Minding your Ps& Qs is one of the most important things that I tend to forget (but really need to be mindful of now George is learning to talk).

P is for Proud
You will never stop being proud of your child. Ever. I will brag about what George can do and it's not to show off it's because I'm so proud of him. He is one clever little boy!

Q is for Quiet Time 
It is easy for us to forget to take some time for ourselves when we become mummies, so it's nice to make the most of nap time. Read a book, check Facebook, have a cuppa tea, watch something on Netflix. We need something to keep us sane after all.

R is for Relaxing
You make the most of every opportunity you can to relax. Your personal time becomes precious to you. I can't even pee in peace these days so I lap up those quiet moments when I lock myself in the bathroom and have a long soak in the top.

S is for Safety First
You will spend so much time baby proofing your house and running round after your little one to keep them safe. Worrying comes with the territory.

T is for Teething
One of the most painful times for both you and your baby. Prepare for more sleepless nights and researching every remedy you can online!

U is for Undying Love
My heart bursts every time I look at George. It really is a love like no other. Sorry to be gushy but all you parents out there will know exactly what I'm talking about.

V is for Vomit
George was never a sicky baby but we did have a few incidents where he brought up a lot of his milk. Spare clothes in the changing bag and muslin cloths were a life saver for us!

W is for Weaning
Giving your baby tastes and textures can be fun and exciting but also frustrating when they don't want to eat. George has never really been a fussy eater until recently though but that's toddlers for you.

X is for eXercise
We run around. A lot. Whether it be in and out of the kitchen for multiple things, to clean up, to running up and down the living room.

Y is for Yellow Poo
Even worse when it projectiles on you!

Z is for Zzzzzz 
People who tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps might mean well, but when are you supposed to do all the other important things. You know, eat, have a hot cuppa tea, tidy up, wash bottles etc! It does get easier as they get older though. 

Rachael xo